Monday, April 16, 2007


Are you sick of reading about the Minister Pay issue?

If I rememeber correctly, the issue was raised before I leave for my 1 week Sydney business trip and plus my 10 days holidays thereafter, it has been coming to 3 weeks and it is still being discussed in the papers. When the news was first announced, I just shook my head, what's new anyway? Now that I'm back, I see different ministers coming up to substantiate why the raise is needed blah blah blah, not that I took any interest in reading all these, I don't, I just read the headlines and it's enough to get me irritated.

Want to share with you what I read from another blog, actually from the creator of the Elite girl comic strip, Insanepoly. I think he sums up very well what we peasants are feeling, here's an extract of his rant (warning: vulgar language used):
I don’t want to hear anymore about your justifications and rationalisations. Obviously you guys have no intention of listening to any of the people, so why should we the people listen to you. As someone once said, this has ceased to be a conversation. You tell us what you want and you go ahead and do it whether we the people like it or not. So what’s there to say. So shut the f**k up and enjoy your riches. Just don’t tell me you are doing this for my own good or for the good of the country.

For the past 2 friggin days, the ST has daily devoted 5-8 pages to the MIWs justifications for the minsterial pay hikes. Enough of that already.

Shut the f**k up.

You’ve got your money, but must you also have the last word as well. Take your f**king money and go f**king choke on it. Just shut the f**k up and get out of my face. I am sick of your bullshit.

1 comment:

Beau Lotus 涟 said...

Hmm, I wasn't aware of this debate. But I remember that the Ministers already earn alot which was normal to reduce corruption, attract top talent blah blah.

However, in the past few years, times are really quite bad and salaries in general are not really increasing. Jobs lost no longer get replaced that easily. Hence, I see no reason why their salaries should be further increased (beyond the usual adjustments for inflation and if the economy improves they can also get a bigger variable).