Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thank you for drinking soda

On the first day of my training at my company's vendor's site, our instructor told us that the soda (soft drinks) available from the vending machines are free.

It was just 8.30am and quite many of my course mates were already drinking their favourite soda to their hearts content. I went to check out the vending machine, wow there are so many sodas to choose from, I counted, there are 16 different drinks! Coke, Diet Coke, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Sprite, Diet Sprite, Dr Peppers, Diet Dr Peppers, Fanta Grape, Fanta Orange, Fruit Punch, Root Beer, Ginger Ale, Cherry Coke, Lemon Tea, Mountain Dew.

I wondered if this is the cause of obesity in the States. Incidentally, on the same day, I read this report
Waistlines Continue to Grow in U.S
from Associated Press:

There is no mention in the report that soda is the cause of obesity but those working in the soda industry will be similing if they were to know that during the duration of my training, some of my course mates can drink up to 2 or 3 sodas per day. I am no saint, I too was 'lured' into drinking but I choose Ginger Ale and Lemon Tea :) If you were to look at this scenario on a bigger scale, those lobbyist will probably be saying "Thank you for drinking soda".

This brings me to the satire comedy movie 'Thank you for smoking' which I watched recently on krisworld. The story is about how the character Nick Naylor, deals with the public/his family and friends, being the person to hate, as he is a lobbyist in the smoking and tobacco industry.

Nick has a 12 year old son and he teaches his son to argue rather than to negiotiate to 'win'. In Nick's words, "That's the beauty of argument, if you argue correctly, you're never wrong".

I can remember two particular scenes:

Kid: My Mommy says smoking is bad for you
Nick Naylor: Oh, is your Mommy a doctor?
Kid: No.
Nick Naylor: A scientific researcher of some kind?
Kid: No.
Nick Naylor: Well then she's hardly a credible expert, is she?

In the other scene, Nick creates an analogy for his son about how arguing over whether smoking causes cancer is similar to an argument over whether vanilla ice cream is better than chocolate. They stage the fake argument and Nick begins twisting the discussion until he's talking about freedom of choice in ice cream flavors, something to the extend like there is truth as to chocolate is better than vanilla (vice versa) but people is free to choose which flavour they like. Flustered, his son says, "But that's not what we're talking about!"
"But that's what _I'm_ talking about," emphasizes Nick :)

Well, all I have to say is we are what we eat so we have to be responsible with what we consume. Yes life is short but don't blame the unhealthy food, blame ourselves instead and exercise if you feel the guilt :)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Scenes from the movie

Greetings from Washington!

As I take in the sights, I'm brought back to some of the movie scenes that I've enjoyed in the past.

In the film "In the line of Fire", there is this scene where Clint Eastwood watches Rene Russo leave from the Lincoln Memorial. Clint mumbled to himself: If she looks back, it means she's interested. Come on, give me a look back now. Just give me that smug expression and be on your way. Rene Russo finally looks back, so cliche right, haha, thats Hollywood :)

Another scene filmed not far from the Lincolm Memorial is one from Forrest Gump. Tom Hanks was preparing to make a speech in front of the reflecting pool when long lost Robin Wright saw him on the stage. Then in Hollywood style, they run to each other's embrace while wading in the pool. The pool appears to be sheet clean from afar but on closer look, alot of duck droppings ah :)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A good rest

I am reminded by how many hours of proper sleep I had when the washington heat get a little over me this afternoon. Lets do some maths here, in spore timezone:
sun 27, woke up 6.30am for run
sun 27, 4pm left for LA
mon 28, 8.30pm reached hotel
mon 28, trip to washington at 10pm
tues 29, back in hotel 6am
finallY hit the bed! That comes up to 48hrs! Wow, now as a make up, I will try and get 9hrs of sleep :)

Monday, August 28, 2006


I have about 4 hours to catch my transit flight to Baltimore-Washington airport to my destination, Columbia. i survived the 16hrs flight, manage to watch 5 films to kill time and catch some sleep in between. Watched singapore gaga, a 55mins documentary on things singapore by tan pin pin, two brits production, kinky boots and keeping mum, the latter starring kristen scott thomas, mr bean and maggie smith. The other two were she's the man and thank you for smoking.

Now I am at Los Angeles airport, the UA terminal to be exact. There are no shops at the departure area just counters for u to check in so I decided to check in early to get to the departure lounge, at least there will be some shops and cafes. So here I am, at starbucks, ordered a pomengrenate frappachino, seated near the window overlooking the runway.

The radio is playing Lisa Stansfield 'All around the world', and it is turning dark outside. No wifi here but didnt know what else to do so login to blog abit.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Jog & Fly

Today I participated in my first even run/jog at the Safra Sheares Bridge Run. The turnout was about 60,000! and its not easy to jog when you have so many people around you. Anyway I managed to complete the 6km run, feel so good after that, despite the rain that came pouring down at the 4km mark.

Right now, I'm at Changi Airport, departing to USA to attend a training. Hope I will get some rest on the plane to recharge. Adios!

Friday, August 25, 2006

All set

This is my running tag and Tshirt for tomorrow's Safra 6km run.

0320, nice number? I will buy 4D for this weekend, see got luck or not :)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The future will be fun with Office 2006!

Office 2006 is here!
These are the latest features for the new 2006 business computers!

Some Features you may need on your Computer

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


在早报副刊读到这篇文章, 读后也有同样的感触,但本身没有那么好的文笔,所以把它放在这,与大家分享.

很喜好这部电影, 小男孩的童真是非笔墨所能形容的.回故一下也有9年了,1997KOLYA在奥斯卡赢得最佳外语影片的荣誉.
没记错的活第一次是在9798年新加坡电影节看的.第二次观赏应该是在04年的捷克电影节吧. 与作者一样我也被布拉格的美景迷着, 很侥幸的,03年有机会到布拉格度假,总于目睹了这个有东方巴黎之称(Paris of the East)的城市.

快乐的泪光 (刊登于823早报副刊)





   故事发生于1988年的布拉格,当时,捷克还在苏联的掌控中。主角路卡是布拉格一名怀才不遇的大提琴手,风流倜傥,把婚姻视为桎梏,年过五旬,仍然是逍 遥自在的单身汉。许多女性倾倒于他的音乐才华而主动投怀送抱,可是,他却因为经济拮据而决定与一名素不相识的俄罗斯女子假结婚,帮助她取得捷克的居留权而 为自己换取丰厚的酬劳。双方议定半年之后离婚。俄罗斯女子有名五岁的儿子哥耶,与祖母同住。万万料不到,女子婚后竟逃到西德去私会情人,把儿子哥耶留下。 更料不到的是:哥耶的祖母不久病逝,照顾哥耶的担子于是落到路卡身上。



   路卡只谙捷克语,哥耶呢,只懂俄语。两个连沟通都有问题的人,只好靠肢体语言努力适应。路卡把哥耶当作是摔不掉的累赘,哥耶将路卡看成是有怪癖的老人, 两相嫌弃。然而,后来,哥耶的童真,终于攻陷了路卡心房里那坚固的堡垒,两个年纪相差了半个世纪的人,建立了相濡以沫的父子情


   为了给哥耶解闷,路卡大汗滴小汗地砍伐木柴给哥耶雕小玩偶、买蜡笔和画布教他绘画、送小提琴让他学音乐、带他外出骑脚车寻乐子。早熟的哥耶,亦步亦趋地 跟着路卡,玩得很开心,散落一串串清脆的笑声。终于,有一晚,上床后,主动给了路卡一个响亮的吻,说:晚安,老爹。

  一回,倦游 归来后,路卡在浴缸里放满了水让哥耶享受泡浴,哥耶泡着、泡着,竟把花洒当成电话筒,拨电给他的祖母,说:奶奶,您什么时候可以回家呀?上回,我去 医院看您,可是,老爹说您睡着了,不要叫醒您,您几时才会醒过来呢?您如果醒了,就快点回家来吧!说着,说着,竟哭了起来;站在浴室外无意间偷看到这一 幕的路卡,赶紧给他的情人打电话,要求以教俄文为生的情人为小哥耶讲个故事。于是,小哥耶在泡浴之后,便躺在床上,握着电话筒,如饥如渴地让那久违了的俄 语带着他飞往那个美丽的童话王国,听着时,他晶晶发亮的大眼睛薄薄地镀着一层快乐的泪光.……听完后,他满足地叹息着说:呵,真好听啊!








Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sophie Scholl

I watched the movie last night. There were not much actions or drama so to speak unlike other war movies but you could feel that it was impactful. The story traces the last 4 days of Sophie Scholl, in Munich in Feb 1943. The movie centers around the interrogation process of Sophie, who got into trouble while helping her brother in carrying out anti-Nazi activities. Julia Jentsch who plays Sophie did a very good job in portraying the relentless and never-see-die, side of the character. She fought strongly with the authorities, and did not succumb to any of the threats.

One scene that strikes me is when she asked for permission to go to the lavatoy to relieve herself. If I remembered correctly, it was right after she was told that she will be punished for the "crimes" that she has committed - spreading anti-Nazi newsletters. Punishment equates death and Sophie was worried what will happen to her parents at the same time. When she was lead to the lavatory, she did not wash up or relieve herself as you would think. Instead, she stood in front of the mirror looking in vain and rest her back against the wall and let out a cry. A helpless cry.

Read more about the White Rose

Monday, August 21, 2006



What a difference a "u" make

I was told last week by my colleague that I may be going to Columbia to attend a training. As it was still pending, I did not look up to find out more on the destination. I told my family and friends and the reactions were "not safe, exotic, out-of-place". Initially I thought I am going to South America too but till I got my facts right, I realised I was going to Columbia and not Colombia. Both sounds the same right? :)

Columbia is in Maryland state, located between Baltimore and Washington. A search on the web shows there are other Columbia in several US states.

This is a short trip, arrive Monday, depart Friday kind, hope I will still get a chance to go to Washington to catch a glimpse of the White House and to visit the Holocaust Museum.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What I Live By


Do not do unto others, what you do not want others to do unto you.




Tuesday, August 15, 2006


你知道座右铭的意识吗 ? 经常会读到某某人的座右铭,但不知道它的来源. 在网上找到这篇文稿,挺惭愧的,稿上写着小学语文小常识 :)




一 种传说是这样的:宋 朝时有个叫吴介的人很喜欢史书。史书中记载的可以吸取经验教训的事,他都抄下来,放在座位的右边,称之为“座右铭”。铭就是刻在器物上记述生平、事业或警 惕自己的文字。时间长了,他家连墙上、窗上都贴满了警句、格言。以后就慢慢地传开了。“座右铭”的内容也不仅仅是可以借鉴的往事,形式也不仅仅是限于放在 座位的右边了。



有 一天,孔子带着学生 到庙里来朝拜,看到了一个倾斜的酒器,觉得很奇怪,于是就向庙里管香火的人打听。管香火的人告诉他,这是欹(qī)器。孔子于是想起了有关齐桓公的故事。 他指着欹器对学生们说:“欹器空着的时候就倾斜,把酒或水倒进去,到一半的时候就直立起来,欹器装满了就又会倾斜。所以过去齐桓公总是把欹器放在他座位的 右侧,用来警戒自己决不可以骄傲自满。自满就会像欹器里装满了水,必然要倾斜倒覆。”说完,他就让学生取来水倒进欹器。果然一切正如孔子所说的一样。孔子 又对学生说:“读书也是一样,谦受益,满招损。你们一定要牢牢记住。”回到家里,孔子也请人做了个欹器放在座位的右侧,用来警戒自己活到老,学到老,永不 满足。以后,欹器被刻在金属上的文字所代替,放在自己座位旁。书房里的铭文也并不都是金属戒训文字,还包括许多格言,警句。但“座右铭”这个词却一直用到 今天。



I received this email yesterday and didn't think much of it. Today when I logged in to my mailbox, I received news from our Europe office that one of our counterparts passed away on Saturday due to stroke. This got me to re-read the email again. Hope this information will be useful.

STROKE: Remember The 1st Three Letters...

During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) and just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food - while she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00pm , Ingrid passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.
It only takes a minute to read this...

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.


the "3" steps, STR . (Remember "
STAR ".)

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.
Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

*Ask the individual to SMILE .
*Ask the person to TALK . to SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE
(Coherently) ( i.e. . . It is sunny out today)

*Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.
{NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out their tongue... if the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke}

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call 9-1-1 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

Monday, August 14, 2006





光阴在闪念间就已流逝,想想自己这些年来一事无成依旧两手空空,心中常涌过一种焦虑感。而当自己为了生活琐事奔波,为了工作或者感情的困扰而烦恼不堪时; 当看到昔日好友天各一方或荣华富贵或居无定所时;当自己不被理解时,思想常陷于一种混沌中,百思不得其解,仿如迷雾里看不清前路,倍感彷徨困惑。

是啊,细想自己的周遭际遇,尽管有好多事不尽人意,与其苦思不得要领不得解脱,令自己背上沉重的思想包袱,不如退一步,留白天地宽;对于那些功名利禄荣辱 得失,以一份淡泊的心情来看待,才发觉,很多烦恼和失意纯属庸人自扰。若拥有了过人的肚量 、豁达的胸襟,知足而常乐,人会活得轻松得多。

凡事追求完美,反而过犹不及;凡事斤斤计较,反令自己不得安宁。有些人不快乐,也许正因为他不知足。一切感觉皆由心生,坚持自己的原则做力所能及的事,莫 过于强求,这并非是消极的人生态度,只是处世的方法有所不同,依然是可以活得积极入世。




1. 一个人的快乐,不是因为他拥有的多,而是因为他计较的少.

2. 拥有是负担,不计较就自在,能放下烦恼才能快乐,

3. 多是负担,是另一种失去;少非不足,是另一种有余;

4. 舍去也不是一种失去,而是另一种更宽阔的拥有。

5. 人如不知足,就永远都在烦恼中. 愿你永远幸福哦


生 活的空间,须借清理挪减而留出;心灵的空间,则经思考开悟而扩展。打扑克牌时,我们手中握有的这副牌不论好坏,都要把它打的淋漓尽致;人生亦然,重要的不 是发生的事,而是我们处理它的方法和态度。假如我们转身面向阳光,就不可能陷身在阴影里。当我们拿花送给别人时,首先闻到花香的是我们自己;当我们抓起泥 巴想抛向别人时,首先弄脏的也是自己的手;一句温暖的话,就像往别人身上洒香水,自己也会沾到两三滴。因此,要时时心存好意,脚走好路,身行好事。


梁文福 - 左手的快乐

I chanced upon this book from the library recently. It was sitting on the "What's New" section and it beckoned me to take him home.

A good read it was. It is a collection of short articles that the author has contributed over the years to newspapers columns (ZaoBao and some Taiwanese papers).

I grew up listening to XinYao and you certainly can't miss Liang Wen Foo's works. I am not one that really listen / scrutinise the lyrics when a nice song is played. I'm attracted more by the melody of the music piece and if I really enjoyed it, I will then check what the lyrics is about. Anyway my knowledge of chinese songs is limited, the XinYao period was probably my "prime" :)

Ok, back to the book. Liang Wen Foo has a certain writing style that make the reading a breeze. I think I finish reading within a few hours. He is witty with his words and with the ideas he conjures. One of my favourite piece from the book is "Di" (Droplets, literally translated). I won't reveal much here, go and buy / borrow and share your thoughts with me.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Maths Equation

Perhaps this is what our MOE is seeking in our new generation of students, applying their mathematical skills in a creative way :)