Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Lately I have been trying to do some catching up on my Chinese history knowledge. . Perhaps it was the awakening that China is opening up and I feel compelled to improve myself. As a start, I'm slowly taking steps to practise blogging in Chinese, start with a few sentences first then hopefully can write more next time. I have a Shanghainese colleague who joined my department last year and I make it an effort to speak to him in mandarin to brush up my language skills. Almost all of my other colleagues spoke to him in English cos he studied in the States and have no problem to converse in English. In my last trip to Beijing, I also conversed with my chinese colleagues there in mandarin, learnt how certain terms is said or used, cos you realise in Singapore, most of the time, our chinese is "rojaked" with our local dialect, making it neither here nor there, or half-past six :)

I am starting to read up on Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三国演义, not the original version but the comic strip :) I have the Chinese and the English abridged versions, shameful ah, but cannot 一步登天, to me, it's more important to grasp the knowledge first.


I, Cactus said...

mine is the World.
See my blog..
though i dun understand this tarot thing.

Beau Lotus 涟 said...

One wheel, what only a few sentences in Chinese??? How did you manage to write paragraphs in the language lately? Such a torture to read, to tell the truth I usually give up after a few lines :-).

And how did you manage to type in Chinese? Must we have a special programme for that?

Actually ever since I came to Europe my spoken Mandarin has become very good, like the Chinese from China (thanks to Beijing friend and my ear for accents). But of course it's the can blaugh thru kind, when it comes to substance almost zero lah. I too would like to put some meat and blood back into my Chinese, hopefully we'll get expatriated to China one day so that I can dedicate myself to it.