Friday, September 08, 2006

Just for Laugh, it's Friday!

Have been quite busy this week, didnt get to rest after I came back from my business trip, went straight to work on Monday. Glad it's Friday!

Share with you this funny clip :

Read first before you watch the video clip (simple content translation) :

Motorist : May I know what is the time now?
Cow Owner touch the cow's balls, and say : it is 10am.
Motorist doubted : Are you sure?
Cow Owner touch the cow's balls again and answer : Yes.
Motorist then tune his watch with doubt, and drove off for his appointment.

Later on, the Motorist return from his appointment and asked this Cow Owner again. He has tune his watch at the exact time while he was at the town for his appointment.
Motorist : May I know what is the time now?
Cow Owner touches the cow's balls again and reply : its 3pm.
The Motorist feel unbelievable and ask the Cow Owner how he know the time by touching the cow's balls?
Cow Owner : ...

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